Suicide Quad is a Totally Fun Superhero Movies Mess!

Ok, So let’s get one thing straight. This movie is a superhero movies mess. There are lots of plot problems and some of our villains gang don’t really get their time in the sun. However, I am here to say that Suicide Squad does not get everything wrong that many other Superhero movies do.

First and foremost, this movie has a cast of crazy characters we actually like. Yes, our characters never really evolve into much or have a character arc. But, they are all immensely interesting and fun to watch. There is enough love for these characters that I would venture to say most people will be happy to see them on screen again.

The next major success of Suicide Squad is that building of the superhero team. We have seen this done again and again in team movie after team movie. Yet, the building of the team here is still somehow fresh and a delight.

Next up is the music. I have heard this described as a 2 hour music video. Well, that is somewhat true. But, how interesting is that? We rarely get a movie where music is every bit as much a character as the other characters here. Bravo for a soundtrack that spans 50 years!

How about the ladies? Um, there are female anti-heroes everywhere in this movie. How cool is that? DC may not be getting everything right, but at least they are letting the girls have their fair share of the super hero spotlight. Yes!

Finally, the action: This action is fast and frantic and it is nearly constant in this movie. Yes, I know nothing happens and the mission the team has is kind of lame. But the action is still fun to watch.

So, while there are much better movies to watch with your hard earned cash, I wouldn’t say this is the worst movie you could have spent your money on this summer. I am hoping this attempt at less dark and more “fun” is a sign for things to come from DC.

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